
When the Steam of Life disappeared, the Baoverse became a hostile place, especially for soft baos that dry out in no time. It’s time to get aboard the MechSteamers, explore the world, and save the Baoverse for good! YugiBao is a family of 3D animated Baos looking to expand their IP with an unique visual […]

Capitán Avispa

Capitán Avispa, hero of Avispatrópolis and the Kingdom of Honey, tests his nobility, justice, and innocence against the evil wasp Jacques Poison and his minions. Directed by Jean Gabriel Guerra, Jonnathan Melendez Produced by Juan Luis Guerra Written by Juan Luis Guerra, Gustavo Alberto Lopez, Miguel Yarull Cast Luis Fonsi, Juanes, Joy Huerta, José Guillermo […]

The Everlasting Story

Long ago, there was peace between all. Until the White Ghost wreaked havoc and threatened to destroy all. Only one man can stop him, he’s brave, strong, and handsome and he rides a bike, his name is Koschey. Directed by Andrey Kolpin Produced by Robert Gnodolian, Evgeny Golovin, Anton Smetankin, Tatiana Tsyvareva Written by Evgeny […]

Sharon The Trending Granny

Miki wants to succeed on the latest trendy social media platform, but he hasn’t counted on the spontaneity of Sharon, his grandmother, who ends up competing against him in viral challenges and surpassing him in popularity unintentionally…

Meet Zlice

The Sexappeal made it into Pizza. Zlice is a self-proclaimed womanizer “good looking” guy who likes to dress nicely and be a charmer. Oh… but there is one more thing, he is a proud Pineapple Pizza! You might love it or hate it but he gots style!

Meet Morgan

Coming from outer space, it found its home on Earth. Morgan is an extraterrestrial being; we don’t know much about how it ended up here on Earth, but it’s so adorable (and sometimes grumpy) that we’ve decided to keep it (we had no other choice…). Nowadays, it is a very important part of the Morgana […]

Magic Eden

Morgana Studios is proud to present: MagicEden x Yugalabs ME Ethereium Marketplace Launch Video. Commercial made for two of the most recognizable web3 IPs, Magic Eden and Bored Ape Yacht Club (From Yuga Labs)

Degenerate Ape Academy

The mission at the academy is simple: Take 10,000 of the smoothest-brained apes, put them all in one location, and let the mayhem ensue. The academy was founded on the principles of friendship-making, crayon-eating, and absolute, unregulated, deplorable, degenerate behavior. Welcome, fellow apes, to the Degenerate Ape Academy.     Our job here at Morgana was […]