The Power of Concept Art in Animation: Crafting the World of Morgana’s Projects


At Morgana Studios, every animated project begins with a crucial step: concept art. This stage serves as the foundation, shaping the visual identity of our stories and setting the tone for the entire animation process. It’s where ideas start to take form, transforming abstract concepts into tangible visuals that guide the production team.


Concept art is the initial bridge between imagination and animation. Our process begins with brainstorming sessions, where the creative team collaborates to refines the essence of the project. Whether it starts with a clear proposal or just a rough idea, these early discussions are vital in aligning the vision. We often beggining with references or a style guide, that helps our artists understand the desired aesthetic.


Once the vision is clear, our concept artist begin the work in collaboration with the art director. This phase involves more than just drawing; it’s about conceptualization and personalization. Characters, environments, and moods are all explored through sketches, color and 3D explorations, and multiple iterations. This process ensures that the final concept art reflects both the project´s vision and our artistic expertise.


One of the most exciting parts of this journey is the artistic exploration phase. It’s a time when creativity knows no bounds, and artists can push the limits of their imagination. This phase is essential for developing a unique and cohesive visual style that will carry through the rest of the project.


The finalization of concept art involves presenting several proposals. It’s a collaborative process, where feedback is integrated, and decisions are made under tight deadlines. The goal is to refine the visual approach until it perfectly aligns with the project’s goals.


At Morgana, our artists are multidisciplinary, with a passion for exploring different styles and pushing beyond their comfort zones. Working in a studio environment that encourages diverse artistic expressions, our team thrive on the challenge of bringing new worlds to life.


In essence, concept art is where the magic begins at Morgana Studios. It’s the stage where imagination meets design, laying the groundwork for the compelling animated stories that follow.